Enroll today in our Miami Lighthouse Academy!
To learn more or schedule a tour of our Miami Lighthouse Academy please contact our Program Coordinator at (786)362-7483 or e-mail our Academy Director,
Mara Gonzalez, at MGonzalez@miamilighthouse.org.
Miami Lighthouse Academy
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired - in collaboration with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Early Steps and the Early Learning Coalition -
offers an inclusion environment for pre-kindergarten, and a kindergarten, first grade and second grade for blind and visually impaired students.
As a certified Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) Provider, the Miami Lighthouse Academy pre-kindergarten enrolls students with and without vision
impairment promoting an inclusive program and resulting in a sense of belonging for all children and families. In support of our mission, children
without vision impairments are selected to aid the learning environment for children with vision loss.
Miami Lighthouse Academy is a national Accredited Professional Preschool Learning Environment (APPLE center).
Using the evidence-based HighScope Curriculum, blind or visually impaired students are supported in a print/braille rich environment.
Miami Lighthouse is the first vision rehabilitation educational institution in the U.S. using the international HighScope Curriculum,
and this is the first time that HighScope has been applied to blind learners in a fully inclusive model.
Click here to read more about the HighScope Curriculum.
Learning in all classrooms is conducted by Florida-certified early childhood teachers, Florida-certified teachers of the visually impaired and teaching
assistants. Currently, research faculty from the University of Miami is conducting a four year longitudinal study of the participating children and
families as we help prepare them for mainstreaming into our public-school system.
Please also read our peer-reviewed article that was recently published in the
Early Childhood Education Journal, entitled
"Associations Between Peer Play Interactions and Empathy within an Early Childhood Inclusion Program for Children with Visual Impairment".
Enroll today in our Miami Lighthouse Academy!
To learn more or schedule a tour of our Miami Lighthouse Academy please contact our Program Coordinator at (786)362-7483 or e-mail our Academy Director,
Mara Gonzalez, at MGonzalez@miamilighthouse.org.
Miami Lighthouse Academy is recognized as a member in good standing of The Florida Association for Child Care Management.
Code of Student Conduct
Parent Bill of Rights
"Standards of Ethical Conduct" from the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct in the Florida Education Profession.